Ranks in GES (Ghana Education Service) and their Qualifications

If you are looking for Ghana Education Service, GES Ranks and their qualification, then this article is for you. The Ghana Education Service (GES) oversees pre-tertiary public education in Ghana.

Like most public sector organizations, the GES has a well-defined hierarchy with 13 ranks for its employees. Understanding these ranks, the qualifications required, and salary levels can be helpful for those looking to pursue a career in education in Ghana.

The ranks in GES start from the top position of Director-General and descend to the entry level rank of Pupil Teacher.

Additionally, Each rank has minimum qualifications that must be attained before one can rise to that position. Salaries also increase with each upward rank movement.

This article provides a comprehensive look at all 13 GES ranks, the qualifications needed for appointment to each rank, and the typical salary levels attached to each position.

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Ranks in GES and Qualifications

Here are the 13 GES ranks in descending order from highest to lowest:


To begin with; The Director-General is the overall head of the GES. This rank is a political appointment made directly by the ruling government. The appointee is expected to provide leadership and oversee all GES operations nationwide.

Deputy Director-General 

There are two Deputy Director-General positions – DDG in charge of Access and Quality and DDG in charge of Management Services. The DDGs support the Director-General in supervising GES activities. Appointments are also made directly by the government.

Director I

Directors I are typically Regional and Divisional heads of the GES. Appointments are based on long service and merit.

Director II 

Directors II serve as District Education Directors. Appointments are based on long service and merit.

Deputy Director

Deputy Directors serve as assistants to District Directors. Appointments are based on long service and merit. 

Assistant Director I

For Assistant Directors I, they may be appointed as Circuit Supervisors or Heads of Senior High Schools based on long service and merit.

Assistant Director II

Assistant Directors II may be appointed as Heads of Basic Schools. They attain this rank through long service, merit or after obtaining a Masters or PhD.

Principal Superintendent 

The entry point for first degree holders in the GES. The minimum qualification for appointment as a Senior High School teacher.

Senior Superintendent I

Attained through long service after serving at the Senior Superintendent II rank for at least 4 years.  

Senior Superintendent II

Entry point for diploma certificate holders. Previously the minimum for appointment as a basic school teacher.

Superintendent I 

Attained through long service after serving as Superintendent II for at least 4 years.

Superintendent II

Entry point for Cert A holders. 

Pupil Teacher

Lastly, Entry point for SSCE, WASSCE, GCE holders as well as those who could not pass all papers in college before employment.


The GES ranks provide a clear hierarchy and career progression path for education professionals in Ghana.

Those aspiring to advance their careers in the GES must obtain the necessary qualifications and experience to rise up the ranks.

The higher ranks offer greater responsibility and compensation. Understanding the salary levels attached to each position also helps set career and financial goals.

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